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Loaded (2008) DVDRip XViD

Life in the fast lane is murder.

Format: DVDRip XviD
Genre: Action | Crime | Drama | Thriller
File Size: 700 Mb
No of Cd: 1
Resolution: 608 x 256
Frame Rate: 25 fps
Languese: English
Sub: No
RunTime: 01:39:17
Director: Alan Pao
Release Date: 25 March 2008 (USA)

A privileged man with a profitable job, a beautiful girlfriend, and a loving family becomes

hopelessly entangled with a vengeful drug dealer who assumes the role of his best friend before

revealing his diabolical true colors. Tristan Price (Jesse Metcalfe) has a bright future, but when

the shade begins to eclipse the sun, things turn bad more quickly than he could have ever

anticipated. It seems that sometimes the most stable of folks are also the ones who crave adventure

most, and Tristan is a prime example of that penchant. When Tristan meets up with charismatic

cocaine dealer Sebastian Cole (Corey Large), the allure of fast cars, fast women, and automatic

weapons find the thrill-seeking everyman suddenly drawn into a dangerous world of sex, drugs, and

violence. But Tristan's new best friend is also his new worst enemy, and if he has any hope of

pulling out of his current tailspin and salvaging relationship with his faithful girlfriend (Monica

Keena) he will have to confront the man that could take it all away with the lightning flash of a

finger on the trigger.

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