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11.14 pm.DVDRip.XviD-DiAMOND

DVDRip XviD-MKV- 700 Mb

Format: DVDRip XviD
Genre: Comedy | Crime | Thriller
File Size: 695 Mb
No of Cd: 1
Resolution: 608 x 336
Frame Rate: 25 fps
Languese: English
Sub: No
RunTime: 01:22:07
Director: Greg Marcks
Release Date: 20 August 2004 (Italy)

The movie involves several interconnected stories that converge at 11:14 p.m. The connections between the

events are not apparent at first, but are gradually revealed by a series of progressively receding


Jack (Henry Thomas), who has been drinking, is seen driving along a road at night talking on his cell

phone. The clock on the dashboard reads 11:14 p.m. Suddenly, as he drives under an overpass, something

smashes across the windshield, causing him to skid off the road. He stops by a deer crossing sign and gets

out to inspect the damage, and finds a body with a badly mutilated face lying close to his car. When he

sees another car approaching, he panics and drags the body out of sight. The car pulls up next to him, and

the driver, Norma (Barbara Hershey), assumes that he hit a deer. She offers to call the police over Jack's

protests, insisting that it's no trouble because she has a new cell phone that she 'never uses' and

because she is friends with the chief of police. Norma offers Jack a ride to her house to wait for the

police, but he declines. When she drives off, Jack decides to hide the body in the trunk of his car. He

gets back into the car to pull away, but a police officer pulls up behind him. Officer Hannagan (Clark

Gregg) speaks with Jack, and noting his odd behavior, asks him if he would submit to a breathalyzer test.

Jack requests a sobriety test instead, which Hannagan administers. When the officer checks with dispatch,

he finds that Jack's license has been revoked for driving under the influence. Hannagan tells Jack that he

is under arrest and that his car will be impounded. When he finds the body in the trunk, Hannagan

handcuffs Jack with a cable tie and tells the 2 people already in the back of the cruiser, Duffy (Shawn

Hatosy) and Buzzy (Hilary Swank), to move over so that Jack will fit. While Hannagan argues with Buzzy,

who refuses to move over, Jack is able to pull his pocketknife out of his pocket, cut the cable tie, and

escape. Hannagan pursues, leaving the cruiser door open, and Duffy and Buzzy also escape. Jack runs across

a property with security lights and a dog, causing the owner, Norma, to come out. She is obviously upset,

and is looking for her husband Frank (Patrick Swayze) because she just received a phone call that their

daughter, Cheri (Rachael Leigh Cook), was killed in a hit-and-run accident. Hannagan catches up to Jack at

this point, and Norma angrily strikes Jack with a flashlight, assuming that he is responsible for her

daughter's death.

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