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Video Codec....: XviD-1.2.1
Video Bitrate..: 1000 kbps
Audio Codec....: MP3 VBR Stereo
Audio Bitrate..: 160 kbps
Aspect Ratio...: 1:1
Resolution.....: 640 x 352
Frame Rate.....: 23.976 fps
Genre..........: Action
What happens when a second rate strip club promoter decides to make a movie about his imaginary escapades as an international spy? Is it possible to pointlessly incorporate a screenwriter's penchant for transvestite celebrity impersonators into the plot of a semi-erotic spy movie? Is traveling in a motorcade of yellow motorcycles and Hummers the best way for undercover strippers to sneak up on a truck carrying chemical weapons? If you can make it all the way through its excruciating 90 minutes, Crazy Girls Undercover answers all of these questions and more. But the real question may be, could a movie be any worse? It took several viewings to comprehend the plot of this picture. Unfortunately, each time I sat through the film I became one percent dumber, so it is still not completely clear. Screenwriter Norbert Aleman operates on a different level than your average filmmaker. He has created a world in which logic and reason do not exist. Despite a plot that revolves almost entirely around strippers, Aleman boldly resists the temptation to show any real nudity, opting instead for badly choreographed topless show routines and brief nipple insert shots.

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